Anomaly Productions is a technology focused publisher with the mission to tell stories like never before. The result is a series of critically acclaimed books (USA Today, LA Times, NY Times, Nerdist and more), graphic novels and comics using Augmented Reality. Co-founded by Skip Brittenham and Brian Haberlin, Anomaly Productions is focused on merging technology with old media and creating an entirely new level of storytelling. Free, lightweight companion apps (iOS and Android) accompany every title and use the phones already in our pockets or tablets at home, bringing together dozens of exciting features to print.Books are our hardware.At Anomaly Productions, were committed to developing titles that are more interactive and immersive than ever before, said Haberlin. Whether its the new childrens classic CREATIVE CREATURE CATCHER, to the sweeping scifi-fantasy epic ANOMALY, to the steampunk love story of SONATA, or contemporary mystery thriller SHIFTER, Anomaly Productions is at the forefront of publishings long overdue evolution.App content includes regularly updated wiki material, games, behind-the-scenes, educational elements and so much more after book purchase. Creative Creature Catcher even features fully animated character narration allowing emerging readers to follow along and assuring their early empowerment for reading confidence.Experience the evolution of publishing at AEW 2020.
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