
Industry–Academia Collaboration & Co-Creation of Collaborative VR

Oct 20

17:05 - 17:30


This is a joint presentation by KONE and Tampere University. KONE provides its customers with elevators, escalators and innovative solutions for modernization and maintenance, and is one of the global leaders in its industry. Tampere University is one of the most multidisciplinary universities in Finland.

In this talk we share our experiences and good practices for industry-academia collaboration gathered during a co-creation project for a VR environment. We co-created a collaborative VR environment and tools to support maintenance method development and related technical documentation creation as part of the product development process. The development was done in close industry-academia collaboration using an agile approach. Our talk aims at inspiring other industrial companies and giving insight for XR companies and academic actors.


Professor , University of Tampere
Virtual Reality Specialist , KONE Corporation

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