
Leveraging Existing Organizational Knowledge with Augmented Reality

Jun 1

03:30 PM - 03:55 PM


With no end in sight to the labor shortages and the expected retirement of the boomer generation over the next seven years, workforce challenges are hitting organizations large and small around the globe. There aren’t enough people to fill the open jobs, and the people that are there need to be capable of doing more things - often with less time for traditional training or upskilling programs. What if you could create instant experts and transfer organizational knowledge with ease? What if you could create instant experts and save millions of dollars in training costs and make your employees more engaged and productive?

In this fireside chat inspired presentation, Michael Hinckley, Sector Manager of Manufacturing Systems Engineering at Northrop Grumman, and Scott Montgomerie, Founder & CEO of Scope AR will talk about how Northrop Grumman created instant experts on their manufacturing floor for assembling some of the world’s most advanced products. Powered by augmented reality, these instant experts accelerated process times by up to 66%, eliminated errors and are creating the next generation of shop floor enablement. Join Scott and Michael to hear real stories of how Northrup Grumman adopted AR, how it went, how it’s going and what is in the future.


Co-founder and CEO , Scope AR
Senior Systems Engineering Mgr (AMT) , Northrop Grumman

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