See the full video below along with TLDR (or TLDW) quick-hit takeaways.– One ongoing model for the metaverse is the web. And like the web, the metaverse will and should evolve organically.
– First we had one website, then two, then several. The browser and linked architecture followed to make them interoperable.
– The metaverse may evolve similarly, but how will interoperability happen? Portals, analogous to iframes, could be one answer.
– Many other answers will emerge, and all these questions have a different spin with AR and the real-world metaverse.
– In fact, things shouldn't be as
interoperable in AR because every experience should be different (think: wayfinding).
– Similarly, geospatial AR needs a filtration system, or contextual discovery engine, so that everyone doesn't see everything.
– The hardware (AR glasses) could be that filter. AR glasses can also be thought of as the
browser for the spatial web.
– As this all develops, we could benefit from an evolutionary framework, similar to "levels" of autonomous vehicles.
– The metaverse that we discuss today is just one of these "seven verses," while others involve specific evolutionary steps.
– Looming over all of this is the terminology. Companies will (and have) co-opted the term metaverse, as it often goes.
– Other terms are technically more demonstrative (and less likely to be co-opted) such as
Web3.D or
– But the terminology will likely evolve on its own, just like the "web" (versus "cyberspace"), and we can't force it too much.
See the full discussion in the video below, and Bar-Zeev's deeper dive on the Seven Verses on Medium.
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