5 Aug 2022 | Mike Boland
AWE Talks: The 'Why' and 'How' of Web AR
AWE USA 2022

Welcome back to AWE Talks, our series that revisits the most engaging content from AWE’s catalog of presentations and panel discussions. With a fresh batch of content from AWE USA 2022, there's still plenty to dive into.

This week, we take a look at the undisputed champ of web AR: 8th Wall. Rigel Benton and Tony Tomarchio walk us through the top reasons for using web AR... and some how-to lessons for creating with 8th Wall's Cloud Editor. 

See the summarized takeaways below, along with the full session video. Stay tuned for more video highlights each week and check out the full library on awe.live and AWE’s YouTube Channel.

– Though apps are a dominant vessel for mobile content in general, AR could go a different route.
– Web AR offers several benefits over apps, given less friction in launching experiences.
– This is owed to the mobile browser's compatibility and avoiding app stores & downloads.
– AR is too early and unproven to ask most users to go through that traditional app friction.
– For example, AR sessions are often dynamic and serendipitous, requiring quick activation.
– Beyond user benefits, web AR holds developer benefits including reaching more devices.
– Web AR also builds on years of web-stack development and programming languages.
– Sidestepping app stores also means dynamic product development and updates. 
– That all covers the why? of web AR. Equally important is the how? in tactical execution.
– There, 8th Wall continues to lower barriers to creation, such as its Cloud Editor. 
– Benton and Tomaricho walk us through the full creation process (jump to that part here).
– One big takeaway is that existing web developers can pick up this tool quickly.
– And the Cloud Editor's web orientation enables rapid AR prototyping and development.
– These capabilities continue to evolve, such as activations on cylindrical and conical surfaces.
– Given AR's popularity with beverage brands, this enables AR for wine labels & coffee cups.
– 8th Wall will continue innovating in these areas... and Niantic's real-world metaverse ambitions.
– In fact, it's already added value to its new owner by bringing Niantic's Lightship VPS to the web.

We'll pause there and cue the full video below...

  Want more XR insights and multimedia? ARtillery Intelligence offers an indexed and searchable library of XR intelligence known as ARtillery Pro. See more here.  

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