27 Jan 2023 | Mike Boland
AWE Talks: Operationalizing XR
AWE USA 2022

Welcome back to AWE Talks, our series that revisits the most engaging content from AWE’s catalog of conference sessions. With an extensive library from AWE USA 2022, there's still plenty to dive into.

This week, we examine the art of operationalizing XR. Though XR's value proposition sometimes seems like a no-brainer, it's easier said than done to implement it in large organizations. Applied Materials shows us how it's done.  

See the summarized takeaways below, along with the full session video. Stay tuned for more video highlights each week and check out the full library on awe.live and AWE’s YouTube Channel.

Ali Merchant: CEO, iQ3Connect
John O'Shea: Director of Immersive Technologies, Applied Materials

– AR offers enterprises benefits, such as boosting productivity through line-of-sight guidance. 
– VR meanwhile shines as an immersive training tool, supporting greater memory recall. 
– But despite these and other advantages, XR's enterprise implementation often stumbles. 
– That can result from organizational inertia or fear of new tech among key stakeholders.
– Adding to these challenges, XR has gotten a bad name in some ways, due to hype cycles. 
– For these reasons, implementation is all about communications and change management
– The latter requires a deliberate playbook, often seen in new technology roll-outs. 
– Steps include freezing existing processes, cultivating advocates, and instilling urgency. 
– XR can only be effective in a given organization if it's given this framework for change. 
– Work on "objective handling" in preempting doubts and concerns from stakeholders. 
– For example, IT is often a speed bump due to risk-averse people and policies.
– Make it easy for these stakeholders to say yes by pre-empting their concerns. 
– For example, integrating XR with existing systems can be easier when web-based. 
– Also have a plan for the asset pipeline so things like CAD files can be easily converted. 
– Skipping these steps and expecting XR to sail on its own merits will often result in failure. 
– Plan for implementation, objection handling, and change management... and stick to it. 

For more color and case studies, check out the full session below.

  Want more XR insights and multimedia? ARtillery Intelligence offers an indexed and searchable library of XR intelligence known as ARtillery Pro. See more here.  

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