Brian Mullins
DAQRI Founder - One of the First AR for Enterprise Solutions

Brian Mullins’ experience with Human Machine Interface and Computer Vision technologies led him to found enterprise AR company DAQRI in 2010 and is widely recognized as a pioneer in the field of augmented reality. His leadership in the AR space both propelled DAQRI to the forefront of industrial AR solutions at the time (thanks to their creation of the first industrial-focused AR system integrated into a hard hat), and laid a foundation for the widespread adoption of AR technologies in enterprise and industrial workplace settings.

Throughout his career, Mullins developed systems that employed some of the earliest vision-based mixed reality technologies while working in the field of simulation at the U.S. Department of Transportation, and later at the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command in San Diego. Additionally, Mullinshas testified before the United States Senate on the future of augmented reality as an expert in the field.