
Physically Based Rendering: A Standardized Approach

May 31

02:55 PM - 03:50 PM


Realistic-looking materials are essential to creating virtual worlds that are tactile and inviting. Creating believable materials for 3D objects is a complex problem with several approaches, many of which are either prohibitively difficult to master or unsuited for transmission over the web. Over the past decade, however, Physically Based Rendering (PBR) has emerged as an artist-friendly, intuitive, expressive, and robust technique for adding material attributes to 3D objects.

As part of its stewardship of the glTF standard, the file format known as the “JPEG of 3D,” The Khronos Group has created formal specification extensions for a variety of PBR materials. In this session, members of the 3D formats working group will present the latest waves of PBR extensions, explaining what they can achieve and best practices for using them to create 3D assets. They’ll also discuss how to test for model performance consistency across 3D viewers.


President , Daly Realism
Sr Program Manager & 3D SME , Amazon
Staff Software Engineer , Google
Retail Emerging Technology Automation Engineer , Consultant

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