Rawand Sirwan Nawroly
Solution Architect - eXtended Reality (XR) Product Owner Centrica

Senior Solution Architect - eXtended Reality (XR) Product Owner Centrica

Rawand Nawroly currently works at Centrica as eXtended Reality (XR) Product Owner.

 Rawand has been working for Centrica for 10 years, for majority of this time Rawand has been working as field and workforce Solution Architect designing solutions for Centrica’s 12,000 field based engineers. Over past three years Rawand has specialised in eXtended Reality technologies with special focus on Mixed Reality and Spatial Computing and as an XR product Owner has overseen delivery of a number of XR initiatives, including world’s largest integrated loyalty AR marketing campaign (using webAR) for Centrica’s British Gas aiming at 7 Million customers.

 Rawand has MSc in Software Engineering and is currently undertaking a PhD Research on “Applying Mixed Reality and Spatial Computing to improve Agile Software Product Delivery” at Royal Holloway University - London.



Oct 17

10:00 - 11:00


Enterprise AR Adoption: Overcoming the barriers

Mark Sage | The AREA

Paul Davies | The Boeing Company

Rawand Sirwan Nawroly | Centrica

Gary Smith | Dwr Cymru Welsh Water

Oct 17

17:00 - 17:30


XR applications in Utilities operations

Rawand Sirwan Nawroly | Centrica