Katalin Vikuk
Project Manager - Regulatory Compliance Heka VR

Mental health technology specialist, Psychologist, Regulatory compliance manager

Mental health professional with a passion for innovation. Worked in the field in Hungary, the UK, and Sweden, and is currently a part of the team at Heka VR, a mental health tech company in Denmark that develops virtual reality tools for mental health treatment. Katalin is committed to positively impacting the field and bringing innovation to mental health care. In 2022 she wrote the MENTAL HEALTH TECH REPORT SWEDEN 2022 published by Skåne Startups.


Oct 25

15:35 - 16:15


(PANEL) State of the Art of Mental Health in VR

Simeone Scaramozzino | Transformative Tech Lab

Katalin Vikuk | Heka VR

Ari Billig | SyncVR