Gerda Leopold
Creator and Producer of Cinematic VR Experiences and Feature Films Amilux Film

Gerda Leopold was initially a painter in Berlin, Germany. After an experimental phase with short films, she founded Amilux Film 2014 in Vienna. The first project was Carrousel a 5 channel video installation, which had to be screened in an especially constructed projection space, so the audience was surrounded by the action of the film. This project set the tone for further developments: In creating immersive worlds, Gerda became interested in new forms of storytelling and examined tools like VR, AR and AI for enhancing the story of an immersive experience. Gerda is the creator of Ballavita, a cinematic VR experience, which premiered at the 75. Venice Film Festival and she is currently working on Schiele- a personal encounter, an interactive VR experience which will be released in 2024.


Oct 24

11:05 - 12:00


(PANEL) Entertainment & Culture and Technology: The State of the Austrian XR Scene

Stephanie Meisl | FULL Future Consulting

Rachel Bracker | Hungry Mantis

Gerda Leopold | Amilux Film

Alena Schmuck | Vienna Business Agency