Tina Werro
Head of Swisscom Outpost Innovation Programs Swisscom

Tina Werro is an open innovation developer for Swisscom Outpost in Silicon Valley, where she specializes in trend and technology scouting in the B2C sector. Her focus is on the entertainment, retail and customer experience segments. For the past two years, Tina has also been co-leading the Metaverse topic at Swisscom. With international experience in innovation, strategy, project and business development as well as marketing and sales, especially in the telecom and entertainment industry, Tina has established herself as an expert.

She earned her Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Business Administration from the University of St. Gallen (HSG) and founded her own startup. Tina's enthusiasm for technology, consumer and lifestyle topics and education is reflected in her work, where she always strives to find original ways to do business.


Oct 24

17:05 - 17:30


The Flywheel to an Augmented World - Two Journeys into the Metaverse

Tibor Merey | Boston Consulting Group

Tina Werro | Swisscom