Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss
Two of the First VR Artists, Creators of “Home of the Brain”

Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss are forefront pioneers in applications of virtual, mixed and augmented reality to art and culture. Pioneering research artists and digital media scientists, Fleischmann and Strauss have significantly shaped the intersection of art, technology, and mixed reality since the mid-1980s, exploring the fusion of physical and virtual worlds.

Founders and leading figures of prominent art, science and technology institutions such as ART+COM (1987) in Berlin, La Première Rue (1989) in Briey, FR and MARS - Exploratory Media Lab (1996) at GMD, they are also known for their eCulture Factory (2005) at the Fraunhofer Institute for AI.

Their works, including the groundbreaking virtual reality installation "Home of the Brain," which won the 1992 Golden Nica, and other innovative projects like "Liquid Views" and "PointScreen," have significantly advanced the possibilities for interactive media art. Their contributions to immersive and mixed reality position the duo as true visionaries in blending artistic expression with emerging technologies.

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