11 Feb 2022 | Mike Boland
AWE Talks: Visualizing Business Through XR
Augmented Reality

Welcome back to AWE Talks, our series that plucks the greatest hits from the vast AWE conference archive. Fortunately, we now have a fresh batch of session footage from AWE USA 2021 to draw from. And 2022's show will already be here in June. 

For this week's talk, we highlight Microsoft's Mike Pell and his take on data visualization. XR can be harnessed to replace 2D charts and better visualize business operations. The results could mean more dimensional understanding and decision-making. 

See the full video below along with TLDR (or TLDW) quick-hit takeaways.

– As The Economist famously proclaimed, "Data is the new oil."
– But the big data movement has been a blessing and a curse: data overload without insight
– Can 3D visualization engender better front-end data representation and contextualization? 
– Pell points to business operations and decision-making as applications of this principle.
– Greater dimension can boost understanding of complexity and nuance in various business functions.
– It's about substituting numbers for structures, which are more aligned with human cognition.
– We're talking 3D visualizations that plot several variables for a more dimensional view (see minute 10:15).
– Practically speaking, this could occur in productivity, logistics/supply chain, and other key functions.
– Beyond additional dimension, meaning can be conveyed through variables like movement and speed.
– Contextualization is not only achieved through 3D but also being immersed within the data in a 6DoF way. 
– Immersion also achieves a key aspect of contextualization: scale (e.g., looking up at large values). 
– Such systems could also help simulate real-world conditions to predict or game-out future outcomes. 
– For more insights and examples from Pell, see the full video below...

  Want more XR insights and multimedia? ARtillery Intelligence offers an indexed and searchable library of XR intelligence known as ARtillery Pro. See more here.  


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