29 Jul 2022 | Mike Boland
AWE Talks: Where Do 3D Models Come From?
AWE USA 2022

Welcome back to AWE Talks, our series that revisits the most engaging content from AWE’s catalog of presentations and panel discussions. With a fresh batch of content from AWE USA 2022, there's still plenty to dive into.

This week, we take a look at the 3D content lifecycle. AR continues to hold ample promise to transform shopping, but the base ingredient is 3D product models. How are they created, optimized, and scaled for large product libraries? 

See the summarized takeaways below from an expert panel, along with the full session video. Stay tuned for more video highlights each week and check out the full library on awe.live and AWE’s YouTube Channel.

– We hear a lot about how AR will transform shopping through immersive product try-ons
– But it's easier said than done... we take for granted that these activations "just work."
– Beyond positional tracking and environmental understanding, 3D product models are needed.
– There are several moving parts, file formats, and organizational silos standing in the way.
– Overcoming these challenges – and providing software to do so – is a massive opportunity.
– For one, education is needed within consumer brand organizations to optimize 3D assets.
– For example, engineering (which holds CAD files) is often detached from marketing departments.
– If the two functions can operate in concert, they can better set up 3D model success downstream.
– For example, optimizing 3D models in early stages can set them up for later-stage utilization.
– Without that coordination, there's often onerous file optimization required for AR purposes. 
– This challenge is rampant in fashion and footwear, where there are many design components. 
– All the above also presents challenges in selling 3D/AR optimization software to any brand.
– That's because there are many stakeholders in the effort to get everyone on the same page.
– That means it's advisable to have sales pros that can "speak the language" across departments.
– As with all software sales, it also helps to have domain expertise in verticals being sold into. 
– Meanwhile, all the above is getting easier as metaverse mania boosts brand demand. 
– More brand execs are compelled today to develop 3D strategies to be "metaverse ready." 
– This will prime 3D commerce innovators to bring consumer brands into the 3D shopping era. 

We'll pause there and cue the full video below...

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