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Nov 9

06:00 PM - 07:00 PM


Come party in the BrainDance virtual nightclub with an AWE-inspiring community of XR professionals!

Join an amazing XR ecosystem where end-users meet solution providers in a curated setting!

Hosted by Failed To Render

Developed & Sponsored by Chicken Waffle

Nov 10

06:00 PM - 07:00 PM


ome party in the BrainDance virtual nightclub with an AWE-inspiring community of XR professionals!

Join an amazing XR ecosystem where end-users meet solution providers in a curated setting!

Hosted by Failed To Render

Developed & Sponsored by Chicken Waffle


XR gaming brings a new level of immersive interaction, and multiplayer experiences can create the sense of amazing social presence. Chicken Waffle has built some of the top social XR content in the world, and has launched a new Indie XR Creator Fund to help innovative developers bring their content to market! Additionally, Chicken Waffle has been collaborating with some amazing location-based entertainment (LBE) partners like SPREE Interactive to bring new cutting-edge XR content to their locations with multiplayer arenas and gaming centers. This session will cover advanced development tips and publishing solutions for creating interactive cross-platform multiplayer XR experiences.


CEO and Co-Founder , Spree Interactive
CEO , Chicken Waffle LLC