Samantha Aguilar
Chief Design Officer Exponential Destiny

Samantha Aguilar Araujo is Chief Design Officer at Exponential Destiny and part of the original founding leadership team. In this role she helps train mentees (other youth from low-income communities) on how to use VR to create narratives and stories through

immersive and experiential methods of learning. She coaches mentees through project work that Exponential Destiny does with schools to help teachers and students “leap-frog” their capabilities to dramatically improve education and learning. As the Chief Design Officer Samantha also focuses on “Edu-Tainment” methods for using VR in education. Through this process, she leverages Design Thinking methods,

including persona-profiling, journey-mapping, and other techniques for creating a good narrative and storyline - including gamification - all around an educational topic and subject. This process leads to very engaging and entertaining experiences in VR that are also educational; Edu-Tainment!


Oct 21

13:50 - 14:20


Metaverse for Good - Prize Competitions to Drive the UN Sustainability Goals

Marcus Shingles | Exponential Destiny

Dace Campbell | Virtual World Society

Samantha Aguilar | Exponential Destiny

Michael Scherotter | Galeryst

Oct 21

14:55 - 15:20


How to Create "Edu-tainment" Based Curriculum With VR

Samantha Aguilar | Exponential Destiny

Marcus Shingles | Exponential Destiny