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Oct 21

09:40 - 10:05


With new technologies come new opportunities & challenges. This is no different for emerging technologies, 5G is one of the basic requirements to make the most of its many applications. Without a stable and solid data connection, 5G preferably, we are lost. Unlike other continents, Europe is not as connected as one might think. In large parts of Europe, people do not even have a stable Internet connection, let alone 5G technology.

What does this mean for the European market, for overall accessibility, its workforce, education, the XR ecosystem, hardware and software development? All domains that work with these emerging technologies, or even depend on them today and going forward.
Does Europe, its population, the European XR ecosystem really experience the difference with other continents/places where 5G is embedded and not only in the industry, in companies but even among the general public as well?

What are the consequences from the lack of accessibility? How are industries, businesses dealing with this lack daily? Unknown is unloved by the public, but how much are we falling behind in Europe because of that? Do we still have the ability to compete on a global scale?

A topic that - in today's world - is more relevant than ever, or at least should be!? Our panel members share their insights, each from their own experience and expertise. We're opening the discussion in the hope to inspire the people needed to defend Europe's position, to defend its interests on the world stage.


CEO , WeAR Studio
CEO & Founder , MIAT
Director | President , Euromersive | Federation of EU XR Professionals
Oct 21

09:45 - 10:25


A panel discussion featuring leading VR, AR, Web3 and Metaverse investors on the trends in funding the future. What makes companies stand out, what are investors looking for, what are they avoiding, and what are some of the biggest mistakes startups make when pitching VCs. All this and more.


Angel Investor , Angel Investor
Start-Up Consultant , Investor
Co-founder & General Partner , The Venture Reality Fund
Oct 21

10:00 - 10:50


Hear how the values of security, openness, education as well as the success of gaming impact XR design from a Nordic perspective.


Managing Director, Prime Minister , Spatial8 LLC
Professor , Open AR Cloud Europe
XR Designer , Creator
CTO , Fynd Reality
Oct 21

10:00 - 15:00


Whether you want to see the latest tech in our Expo hall or daring, first-of-its-kind, immersive AR & VR demos, join us in the AWE Expo Hall or the Playground to enjoy the best the XR industry has to offer!


Shopping is the killer feature in any reality. The Spatial Commerce team at Shopify aims to prepare merchants for a wild future where real and virtual worlds merge, delivering the best of IRL and URL shopping. Russ Maschmeyer, Team Lead, and Eric Florenzano, Staff Engineer, are exploring what's possible and useful for merchants in this new landscape. They'll share cutting-edge prototypes as well as tools and capabilities merchants can leverage today.


Senior Developer , Shopify
Product Lead , Shopify
Oct 21

10:10 - 10:30


VR is not an empathy machine, it’s a conversation engine.
When it comes to issues of race, VR is not about trying to fix a problem or relive trauma, it’s about creating a safe space for everyone to practise self-discovery and talking about challenging subjects with others.
“Let’s Talk About Race” is a series of three VR training modules on microaggressions, bias and privilege developed by George Brown College (Toronto, Canada) in collaboration with London-based soft skills VR provider Bodyswaps.
In this talk, GBC’s Project Leader Michael Avis is joined by Bodyswaps’ CEO Christophe Mallet to discuss what they’ve learned about educator/technologist collaboration, the do’s and don’ts of trying to scale VR deployment in large education institutions, and dig into some of the results they gathered from 2000+ learners.


Founder and President , Tapvigo Solutions
Co-founder , Bodyswaps
Oct 21

10:25 - 12:00


Join us as start-ups pitch to our panel of judges for a chance to be named AWE's "Start-Up to Watch" for 2022. The winner will be announced during the Event Wrap-Up on the Main Stage.


Growth , Nevermet
Angel Investor , Angel Investor
Start-Up Consultant , Investor
Head of Business Development, XR Batch Managing Director , Startup Wise Guys
CEO , Graffiti
Co-founder & Creative director , Patch XR
Co-Founder , Catalyst Entertainment Technology
Founder , oVRcome
CEO , CrossCreators
Founder and CEO , GN3RA
CTO , Uhula ICT (Pty) Ltd
CTO , Valkyrie Industries
Co-founder & General Partner , The Venture Reality Fund


This talk will help you to understand the key benefits of using VR for training, and the main factors you need to be aware of when considering implementing VR training.

- Learn how companies use VR gamification to drive engagement with employees
- Understand how VR training can address the issue of equipment scarcity
- And how companies use VR to take the risk out of Health & Safety training.

We will share our learnings across the following topics:
- How do you identify the right use case and business case for VR training?
- Understanding the 3 key uses of VR for training: 1. Knowledge 2. Skills and 3. Behaviour
- What are the key steps you need to take to effectively (and profitably) use VR in your enterprise?
- How can you best scale the integration across a large enterprise safely and securely?
- What makes for a successful implementation, including metrics and ROI?


CEO & Co Founder , VirtualSpeech
Chief Marketing Officer , The Glimpse Group
Oct 21

10:35 - 11:00


Jussi will be speaking about the Dispelix DPX Selva product line and how defractive waveguide technology has answers to the needs of world wide leaders looking to launch amazing solutions leveraging our AR single layer , full color lightweight waveguide. There will be an update on customer requirements to a discussion on mass manufacturing. Jussi will discuss both LED and LBS AR waveguide solutions and the benefits of each technology.


Chief Product Officer , Dispelix


The demand for immersive, 3D, augmented solutions from brands and retailers has never been stronger. Use cases span from advertising, connected packaging, e-commerce, learning, loyalty, storytelling, etc.

Against all odds, Covid has been the rocket-fuel that has propelled both the enterprise and customer demand for mobile-first immersive solutions in a way that was un-thinkable in 2019.

Panelists will try to unlock the truths, myths and short vs long term opportunities and strategies for brands and retailers that are selling goods over the internet to incorporate AR VTO into their customer experience journey with a clear focus at maximizing ROI and benefits.


Marketing Lead , artlabs
Principal GTM Specialist | Spatial Computing , AWS
Head of Open Innovation , Farfetch UK Limited
XR Strategy and Partnerships Consultant , MDXR Strategy Consulting
Oct 21

10:55 - 11:20


An exploration into the state of the art of digital humans and their use in the industries. We will explore how artificial intelligence can improve empathy in humans to digital human interaction, with technical examples of natural languages processing and computer vision technologies integrations.


Senior Solutions Architect , AWS
Oct 21

11:00 - 13:00


We encourage you to enjoy one of the many amazing restaurants located around the area of the Lisbon Exhibition and Congress Centre.


Education is one of the few areas of our lives that the digital revolution hasn't yet significantly improved. There's also a massive and expanding experience gap between children's education and consumer life.

Oxford University Press and InceptionXR are overcoming barriers and increasing accessibility to education through XR tech. During this session, Little Oxford, the team will share details of their new product that will increase accessibility to educational materials.


Director of Oxford Children's Books , Oxford University Press Inc
Founder and CEO , InceptionXR
Oct 21

11:05 - 11:55


In the race to build the Metaverse, there are a plethora of ways in which content makers, technophiles, brands and consumers are rising to the challenge. For Nexus Studios the north star is creating story-driven experiences with emotional depth, while AR giant Niantic has been developing the tools and pathways to enable XR mass-adoption, and The Mill has long been exploring what it means to interact in real time with virtual worlds. Our overlapping learnings show that there are some crucial ingredients needed to accomplishing meaning. Join Deborah Casswell, Jen Haugan, Sarah Burslem and Samira Abdelmalek in conversation as they reveal the projects and practices that explore the promise of a long-lasting and purposeful Metaverse.


Executive Creative Director , Nexus Studios
Senior Producer , The Mill
Director of Business Development EMEA , Niantic Labs
CEO and Founder , Didimo
Creative Technologist , Nexus Studios


What exactly should we do about all that Digital Fashion/WEB3/Metaverse buzz? Most brands don't understand the value but want to do something because of the FOMO. We need to dispel the fog and explain 1) how these technologies can be applied in a simple language and 2) how to not just create a project but also connect it to the receiving of predictable results.

Join us as Dmitry Kornilov addresses:

- analysis of significant changes in consumer persona
- overlaying of audience behavior and technical opportunities
- finding viable Digital Fashion and Metaverse use-cases starting from virtual try-on and ending with in-game integrations
- integration of Digital Fashion and Metaverse projects into a cross-platform communication ecosystem, from online to offline
- analysis of Digital Fashion and Metaverse projects and connecting them to revenue growth


Co-founder/CEO , FFFACE.ME


Emerging tech can offer powerful learning experiences that inspire people to delve deeper through active engagement rather than passively looking at displays. AR encourages visitors to participate and make connections with the information presented to them, which has benefits in education and marketing as well as overall impact and retention.

Join this panel of experts for a discussion about the benefits of AR as an impactful teaching tool.


Co-founder , Draw & Code
Founder and Project Lead , Walking Museum
Director of User Experience , L3A UX Studio
Founder and CTO , Packet39
Co-founder , LikeXR
Oct 21

12:15 - 13:15


Join us for a presentation as founders of Korean Start-Ups share pitches of their companies. See the future of immersive tech!

12:20 - Ken Kim, 3i
12:25 - Alexis Choo, NP Inc.
12:30 - Dominica Lee, P&C Solution
12:35 - JinSong Roh, MetaVu Co., Ltd.
12:40 - ByeongSu Kim, Neogames
12:45 - Dahye Choi, Brandi
12:50 - Jaehun Kim, Ejune System
12:55 - Hobin Chen, Haegin
13:00 - Danny Cho, Marvrus
13:05 - Jurang Kim, Woonjin Thinkbig


VP , Ejune System
Business Development Manager , Haegin
CEO , 3i
CSO (Chief Strategy Officer) , Brandi
Chief Strategy Officer , MARVRUS
Lead Global Business , NeoGames Technology Ltd.
CEO , MetaVu Co., Ltd.
Creative Director , NP Inc.
Deputy General Manager , Woongjin Thinkbig Co., Ltd.
Venture Partner XR , Startup Wise Guys
General Manager , P&C Solution Co., Ltd


Who will own love in the Metaverse? How will we make love in the Metaverse? Will anyone want to?

This panel explores how life in the Metaverse will impact the perception of self, the emotional and mental wellbeing, and the interpersonal relationships of the users. How do we serve physical needs in a world that by definition lacks all physicality?

What interactions - and how many degrees of suspension of disbelief - are possible? What kind of sensory input is required to achieve sensual immersion? What will be the role of avatars, haptic technologies, motion tracking, and spatial audio, to facilitate emotional connectedness in this environment? How can creators make sure users don't end up in sex dungeons, unless they really want to? What about true love, romance, feelings, and intimacy? Can virtual love thrive in the real world?

This panel puts the metaverse hype in perspective, and imagines how the convergence of physical and digital could enhance people's affective bandwidth in digital environments to create a more sustainable and inclusive experience.


Growth , Nevermet
Operations Manager , Virtex
CCO , CuteCircuit
Oct 21

12:55 - 13:45


The many facets of identity across digital and physical space come together in entirely new ways in mixed reality, and especially in new metaverse implementations. How can developers, policy makers and platforms work to strike a balance between privacy, safety and inclusion, and what unique issues does the metaverse present in this space? A panel of representatives from across the industry address this complex and important topic.


XR Policy Lead , Google
Sr. Attorney , Microsoft
Senior Director, Head of Responsible Tech & Competition EU Gov Affairs , Microsoft
Vice President of Public Policy , XR Association
Oct 21

13:00 - 13:25


XR4EUROPE is a Pan-European association that federates all the XR professionals, organisations and initiatives to support the development of, promote and represent XR innovation, industry and creativity from Europe.

This European Not-For-Profit Association was created in May 2021, and is the result of the XR4ALL project supported by the European Commission’s H2020 programme which ran from December 2018 to August 2021. The founding members are former XR4ALL consortium members and European territorial clusters.

The aim of XR4Europe is to contribute to the development of XR in Europe. It is important to note that there are many private and public initiatives in Europe for the development of XR. These initiatives are positive, but the fragmentation of these supports does not allow sufficient resources to be mobilised for major structuring projects, whether in terms of technology, equipment or content.

In addition to providing appropriate services to its members, XR4Europe wants to contribute to reducing this fragmentation and to become an interlocutor of the sector with user companies and public authorities.


Managing Director , XR4Europe